Articles généraux
- Overcrowding in emergency departments: an overview of reviews describing global solutions and their outcomes
- Head-to-head comparison of 19 prediction models for short-term outcome in medical patients in the emergency department: a retrospective study
- Hospital Development of a Hybrid Emergency Department—Inpatient Care Observation Unit.
- What impact would reducing low-acuity attendance have on emergency department length of stay? A discrete event simulation modelling study
- Emergency department performance assessment using administrative data: A managerial framework
- Examining management plans for patients who frequently presented to the emergency department
- Health care utilization and outcomes of patients seen by virtual urgent care versus in-person emergency department care
- Implementing a virtual emergency department to avoid unnecessary emergency department presentations
- What works for and what hinders deimplementation of low-value care in emergency medicine practice? A scoping review
- Analysis of health inequities in transfers of admitted patients from an academic emergency department to partner community hospital
- Perspectives and Experiences Regarding the Impacts of Emergency Department Overcrowding: A Rapid Qualitative Review
- The Chief Wellness Officer: A long overdue catalyst for systemic change in Emergency Medicine
- Effects of the implementation of the dynamic silver code in the emergency department
- A descriptive study of screening and navigation on health-related social needs in a safety-net hospital emergency department
- New Coding Guidelines Reduce Emergency Department Note Bloat But More Work Is Needed
Équipes, personnel et communication
- ParallelED-A novel screening and referral intervention using emergency department wait times to identify and address unmet social needs
- Where's the Marker? Perceptions of Whiteboards in the Emergency Department.
- Clinical Pharmacist Led Medication Reconciliation Program in an Emergency Department Observation Unit - PubMed
- Supporting Emergency Care Delivery Through Updated Emergency Nurse Practitioner Competencies - PubMed
- How exposure to paramedics changes nurses' perceptions about working with them in the emergency department
- Working in fours: generational communication in the emergency department
- Supporting nurses in acute and emergency care settings to speak up
- Licensed Practical Nurses in Team Triage: A Safe Way to Address Nursing Shortages in the Emergency Department
- Emergency Nurses' Well-Being in Magnet Hospitals and Recommendations for Improvements in Work Environments: A Multicenter Cross-Sectional Observational Study
- Maximising nurse-patient communication in the emergency department
- How do emergency department staff respond to behaviour that challenges displayed by people living with dementia? A mixed-methods study
- Factors preceding occupational distress in emergency nurses: An integrative review.
- Health mediation: an intervention mode for improving emergency department care and support for patients living in precarious conditions
- Implementation of dedicated social worker coaching for emergency medicine residents - Lessons learned
- Assessing the Acceptability and Feasibility of Leveraging Emergency Department Social Workers' Advanced Communication Skills to Assess Elderly Patients' Goals and Values.
Climat de travail
- The association of the emergency department work environment on patient care and nurse job outcomes
- As loud as a construction site: Noise levels in the emergency department
- Patient safety in emergency departments: a problem for health care systems? An international survey
- Exploring compassion satisfaction and compassion fatigue in emergency nurses: a mixed-methods study
- What factors help and hinder efforts to address incivility in Australasian emergency departments? A modified Delphi study of FACEM perspectives
- Intensive care units nurses' burnout, organizational commitment, turnover intention and hospital workplace violence: A cross-sectional study
Sécurité et violence
- Occupational violence in a tertiary emergency department: A retrospective descriptive study.
- Impact of Implementation of a New Weapons Screening at an Urban Emergency Department
- Measuring Emergency Department Staff Perceptions of Causes and Management of Violence
- Workplace violence in hospital emergency departments and consequences for health care professionals and support staff: a cluster analysis
- Implementation of an Assault Prevention Quality Improvement Initiative in an Urban Emergency Department.
- Violence against nurses by patients and visitors in the emergency department: An integrative review
- Occupational violence in a tertiary emergency department: A retrospective descriptive study
- Intersectional characterization of emergency department (ED) staff experiences of racism: a survey of ED healthcare workers for the Disrupting Racism in Emergency Medicine (DRiEM) Investigators
- Qualitative Analysis of Workplace Assault Outcomes from the Perspectives of Emergency Nurses.
- Implementation of a Behavioral Emergency Response Team in the Emergency Department.
- Introducing a Digital Occupational Violence Risk Assessment Tool Into an Emergency Department: A Pilot Implementation Study.
- Disparities Associated With Electronic Behavioral Alerts for Safety and Violence Concerns in the Emergency Department
- Evidence-Based Approaches to Mitigate Workplace Violence From Patients and Visitors in Emergency Departments: A Rapid Review
- Causes and management of aggression and violence: A survey of emergency department nurses and attendees
- Violence Risk Assessment in the Emergency Department
- Triage: A Global Perspective
- Triage Accuracy of Emergency Nurses: An Evidence-Based Review
- The effect of computer-based decision support system on emergency department triage: Non-randomised controlled trial.
- Evaluating the effects of triage education on triage accuracy within the emergency department: An integrative review.
- Racial Differences in Triage for Emergency Department Patients with Subjective Chief Complaints
- Factors contributing to patient safety during triage process in the emergency department: A systematic review.
- Those who opt to leave: Comparison by triage acuity of emergency patients who leave prior to seeing a medical practitioner
- Understanding triage assessment of acuity by emergency nurses at initial adult patient presentation: A qualitative systematic review
- Physician and administrator experience of preparing to implement Ontario's intensive care unit Triage Emergency Standard of Care during the COVID-19 pandemic: a qualitative study
- Characteristics of self-triaged emergency department visits by adults with cancer
- Reverse triage in COVID surge planning: a case study of an allied health supported clinical care pathway in an acute hospital setting.
- The Effect of Mandatory Triage Questions on Triage Processes: A Qualitative Exploratory Study
- Making more nurses, one minute at a time: an efficiency and quality improvement project in emergency triage.
- Modified Shock Index as a Predictor of Admission and In-hospital Mortality in Emergency Departments; an Analysis of a US National Database
- Five Level Triage vs. Four Level Triage in a Quaternary Emergency Department: National Analysis on Waiting Time, Validity, and Crowding-The CREONTE (Crowding and RE-Organization National TriagE) Study Group
Articles généraux
- Developing a Geriatric Emergency Department: People, Processes, and Place
- Emergency Department-to-Community Transitions of Care: Best Practices for the Older Adult Population
- The consequences of emotionally evocative patient behaviors on emergency nurses' patient assessments and handoffs: An experimental study using simulated patient cases
- Agitation Management in the Emergency Department with Physical Restraints: Where Do These Patients End Up?
- Emergency Department Utilization, Admissions, and Revisits in the United States (New York), Canada (Ontario), and New Zealand: A Retrospective Cross-Sectional Analysis
- Using network analyses to characterise Australian and Canadian frequent attenders to the emergency department - PubMed
- Practicing cultural humility toward Black and Brown communities in the ED
- Inappropriate admissions of Ehpad residents to emergency departments
- Household and area determinants of emergency department attendance and hospitalisation in people with multimorbidity: a systematic review
- Identifying relevant topics and training methods for emergency department flow training
- An observational pilot study: Prevalence and cost of high frequency emergency department users at Örebro University Hospital, Sweden
Expériences des patients
- Community Mental Health Services for Frequent Emergency Department Users: A Qualitative Study of Outcomes Perceived by Program Clients and Case Managers
- Factors that contribute to patient length of stay in the emergency department: A time in motion observational study.
- 'Corridor care' in the emergency department: managing patient care in non-clinical areas safely and efficiently
- Validation of the ICEBERG emergency room screening tool for early identification of older patients with geriatric consultation needs
- Bridge Healing: A Pilot Project of a New Model to Prevent Repeat "Social Admit" Visits to the Emergency Department and Help Break the Cycle of Homelessness in Canada
- "It saved me from the emergency department": A qualitative study of patient experience of virtual urgent care in Ontario
- Assessing patient partnership among emergency departments in France: a cross-sectional study
- Older adults' goals of care in the emergency department setting: A qualitative study guided by the 4Ms framework
- Flow through the Emergency Department for Patients Presenting with Substance Use Disorder in Alberta, Canada
- Emergency department patient-centred care perspectives from deaf and hard-of-hearing patients
- Forecasting emergency department waiting time using a state space representation
- Patient Involvement in Decisions regarding Emergency Department Discharge: A Multimethod Study
- Patient Perceptions of Microaggressions and Discrimination Towards Patients During Emergency Department Care
- Evaluating a new emergency department avoidance service for older people: patient and relative experiences
- The Experience of Families Accompanying a Senior to the Emergency Department: A Scoping Review
Articles généraux
- Deep learning-based natural language processing for detecting medical symptoms and histories in emergency patient triage
- The Implementation of a Virtual Emergency Department: Multimethods Study Guided by the RE-AIM (Reach, Effectiveness, Adoption, Implementation, and Maintenance) Framework
- Prediction of hospitalization and waiting time within 24 hours of emergency department patients with unstructured text data
- Unintended consequences of the electronic health record and cognitive load in emergency department nurses
- Needs and expectations for artificial intelligence in emergency medicine according to Canadian physicians
- Acuity-based rotational patient-to-physician assignment in an emergency department using electronic health records in triage
- Technology-enhanced simulation in emergency medicine: Updated systematic review and meta-analysis 1991-2021
- A Pilot of Digital Whiteboards for Improving Patient Satisfaction in the Emergency Department: Nonrandomized Controlled Trial
- Artificial Intelligence in Emergency Medicine: a Viewpoint of Current Applications, Foreseeable Opportunities and Challenges
- Use of Real-Time Information to Predict Future Arrivals in the Emergency Department
- A multi-granular stacked regression for forecasting long-term demand in Emergency Departments
- Predicting daily emergency department visits using machine learning could increase accuracy
- Evaluating the utility of telehealth in emergency medicine
- Evaluation of Diagnostic and Triage Accuracy and Usability of a Symptom Checker in an Emergency Department: Observational Study
- Developing telemedicine in Emergency Medical Services: A low-cost solution and practical approach connecting interfaces in emergency medicine
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