- Employee-driven learning and innovation (EDLI) as a phenomenon of continuous learning at work
- The ACR Learning Network: Facilitating Local Performance Improvement Through Shared Learning
- Creativity, Critical Thinking, Communication, and Collaboration: Assessment, Certification, and Promotion of 21st Century Skills for the Future of Work and Education
- Two decades of artificial intelligence in education: Contributors, collaborations, research topics, challenges, and future directions.
- Délivrer des badges en formation courte pour valoriser l'acquisition de compétences
- Harnessing digital technologies for workforce development, education and training: an overview
- When to Use Empathy Maps: 3 Options
- Linking experimental culture, improvisation capability and firm’s performance: a theoretical view
- Interrelationship between strategic factors, technology and organizational learning: a systematic literature review
- Les pratiques collaboratives au service de apprentissages
- ChatGPT : un nouveau rapport au savoir pour l'enseignement
- Retour sur la conférence : L'approche par compétences en pratique "quels freins et quels leviers d'action ? "
- Teaching Innovation and Human-Centered Design Skills as a Project Development Method Creates Innovators
- Let's Co-create a Sustainable Nurse Educator Workforce Development Plan
- The Planetary Health Academy-a virtual lecture series for transformative education in Germany
- Mémoire, attention : est-il plus difficile de lire sur écran ?
- Do you see what I see? Feeding interprofessional workplace learning using a diversity of theories
- Frameworks for Integrating Learning Analytics With the... : Journal of Continuing Education in the Health Professions
- Nurses' perspectives, attitudes and experiences related to e-learning: A systematic review
- Former à l'apprentissage expérientiel
- Managers’ development environments: an integrative literature review
- Measuring the quality of workplace learning environments – a qualitative meta synthesis of employee questionnaires
- Training via learning oriented assessment: an investigation of knowledge acquisition, skill application and job effectiveness
- Unraveling the relationship between workplace dignity and employees’ tacit knowledge sharing: the role of proactive motivation
- Unveiling heterogenous knowledge-oriented leadership and knowledge acquisition based hybrid work agility of knowledge workers
- Transformative learning theory: Where we are after 45 years
- Value creation and identity in cross-organizational communities of practice: A learner's perspective.
- Rethinking transformative learning practices to respond to workplace complexities: Toward an integrative framework
- Emerging insights in transformative learning
- Workplace learning strategies, enablers, and challenges in the context of digital innovation
- Techniques pour « humaniser » les formations en ligne : analyse de pratiques enseignantes dans un collège étatsunien
- Debates as an Active Learning Strategy to Enhance Students' Knowledge of Ethics in Professional Nursing Practice and Health Care
- User Journeys vs. User Flows
- Challenges for Screen-Reader Users on Mobile
- A scoping review of frameworks utilized in the design and evaluation of courses in health professional programs to address the role of historical and ongoing colonialism in the health outcomes of Indigenous Peoples
- A Taxonomy for Research Intergrity Training: Design, Conduct, and Improvements in Research Integrity Courses
- Pourquoi et comment fonctionnent les outils de conception basés sur des cartes ? [étude]
- Entrustable professional activities in postgraduate general surgery training: a scoping review protocol
- Co-creation of a training for community health workers to enhance skills in serving LGBTQIA+ communities
- Creating and confirming observable professional activities (OPAs): A brief report on the practical approach for OPA design for resident education
- Lean UX & Agile Glossary
- Do social cues in instructional videos affect attention allocation, perceived cognitive load, and learning outcomes under different visual complexity conditions?
- Effects of button colour and background on augmented reality interfaces
- The 6P4C model: An instructional design conceptual model for delivery of e-learning
- Designing novel activities before instruction: Use of contrasting cases and a rich dataset.
- Recherche et pédagogie : qu'est-ce que l'« evidence-based education » ?
- Transformative learning for racial justice: enacting radical change through professional development
- Guiding principles for culturally responsive facilitation: Lessons learned from delivering culturally aware mentor training to STEMM faculty.
- The Objective Structured Teaching Encounter (OSTE) in health professions education: A systematic review
- Teacher learning for transformation: a framework
- Interprofessional team-based education: A comparison of in-person and online learner experiences by method of delivery and health profession
- Comment favoriser la mise en oeuvre après la formation ? Avec Gatien Bataille
- From Chaos to Control: One-Page Tip Sheet, a Nursing Professional Development Specialist's Essential Tool for Just-in-Time Education
- Brief Virtual Workshop on Gambling Disorder to Raise Knowledge and Awareness Among Health Service Providers
- Training Generations of Clinician Educators: Applying the Novel Clinician Educator Milestones to Faculty Development
- Wearing hats and blending boundaries: harmonising professional identities for clinician simulation educators
- What Happened and Why: Responding to Racism, Discrimination, and Microaggressions in the Clinical Learning Environment
- Creativity and technology in teaching and learning: A literature review of the uneasy space of implementation .
- Frameworks and Technology for Triangulation of Feedback to Support Learning
- Enablers and barriers for mandatory training including Basic Life Support in an interprofessional environment: An intergrated literature review
Études de cas
- Designing and assessing a data literacy internship program for graduate health sciences students
- Creating an organizational culture in support of innovation education: A Canadian case study.
- Confidence, Connection & Collaboration: Creating a Scalable Bias Reduction Improvement Coaching Train-the-Trainer Program to Mitigate Implicit Bias across a Medical Center
- Design thinking and community impact: A case study of project-based learning in an MBA capstone course.
- Interprofessional microteaching: An innovation to strengthen the behavioral health competencies of the primary care workforce.
- Providing quality improvement workplace-based professional development to Australian general practice clinical educators: findings from a feasibility study
- Transition Into Practice for Nursing Professional Development Specialists: A Pilot Program
- Value creation and identity in cross-organizational communities of practice: A learner's perspective.
- Feasibility and acceptability of e-learning to upskill diabetes educators in supporting people experiencing diabetes distress: a pilot randomised controlled trial
- Application of 3D printing technology combined with PBL teaching method in clinical teaching of cerebrovascular disease: An observational study
- The First Asynchronous Online Evidence-Based Medicine Course for Syrian Health Workforce: Effectiveness and Feasibility Pilot Study
- Evidence-based decision-making in nursing - development and piloting of a train-the-trainer concept for teachers at schools for health care professionals: A pilot study
- Design and implementation of a health systems science curriculum at a large teaching hospital
- Teaching the Teachers: A Flexible, Cognitive-Focused Curriculum in Point-Of-Care Ultrasound Education for Hospital Medicine Faculty
- Multicentre implementation of a nursing competency framework at a provincial scale: A qualitative description of facilitators and barriers
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