- Gray matter volumetric changes in tinnitus: The impact of hearing loss and severity
- The efficacy of a food supplement in the treatment of tinnitus with comorbid headache: A Statistical and Machine Learning analysis with a literature review
- Improving Diagnostic Yield in Patients with Pulsatile Tinnitus: A Ten-Year Analysis
- Chronic tinnitus is associated with aging but not dementia
- Short- and Long-Term Outcomes of e-Health and Internet-Based Psychological Interventions for Chronic Tinnitus: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- The Effectiveness of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy versus Notched Sound Therapy in Adults with Chronic Subjective Tinnitus and Normal Hearing
- Increased risk of hearing loss associated with macrolide use: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Aging Makes the Heart Grow Fonder: Age Influences Hearing Ability and Interactions between Psychological Phenomena in Patients with Chronic Tinnitus
- Tinnitus prevalence, associated characteristics, and related healthcare use in the United States: a population-level analysis
- ACR Appropriateness Criteria® Tinnitus: 2023 Update
- Dissociable effects of hyperacusis and misophonia severity imply different mechanisms of decreased sound tolerance
- Differential cortical activation patterns: pioneering sub-classification of tinnitus with and without hyperacusis by combining audiometry, gamma oscillations, and hemodynamics
- The effects of acute and chronic noise-induced hearing loss on stimulus-evoked activity across primary auditory cortex layers
- Occupational noise exposure, noise annoyance, hearing-related symptoms, and emotional exhaustion - a participatory-based intervention study in preschool and obstetrics care
- Exploring the origins of decreased sound tolerance in tinnitus patients
- Hyperacusis: Focus on Gender Differences: A Systematic Review
- Hyperacusis Assessment Questionnaire-A New Tool Assessing Hyperacusis in Subjects with Tinnitus
- Hyperacusis: Focus on Gender Differences: A Systematic Review
- Hyperacusis Diagnosis and Management in the United States: Clinical Audiology Practice Patterns
- Psychometric Evaluation of the Misophonia Impact Questionnaire (MIQ) Using a Clinical Population of Patients Seeking Help for Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and/or Misophonia
Phonophobie et misophonie
- Exacerbation of paranoia-like thoughts following exposure to common misophonia trigger sounds
- Network analysis of misophonia symptoms using the Duke Misophonia Questionnaire
- Prevalence of misophonia and its association with depression and obsessive-compulsive disorder among medical students
- Differences in Static and Dynamic Resting-State Functional Connectivity between Migraineurs with and without Photophobia, without Phonophobia or Osmophobia
- An experimental examination of neurostimulation and cognitive restructuring as potential components for Misophonia interventions
- Misophonia Sound Recognition Using Vision Transformer
- Alterations in attentional processing in youth with misophonia: A phenotypical cross-comparison with anxiety patients
- The Impact of Mental Health Symptoms in Children With Tinnitus and Misophonia: A Multi-disciplinary Approach
- Auditory cortical functioning in individuals with misophonia: an electrophysiological investigation
- Novel five-phase model for understanding the nature of misophonia, a conditioned aversive reflex disorder
Troubles vestibulaires
- Toward Intelligent Head Impulse Test: A Goggle-Free Approach Using a Monocular Infrared Camera
- Performance and Reliability Evaluation of an Automated Bone-Conduction Audiometry Using Machine Learning
- Assessment of Sacculocollic and Vestibulomasseteric Reflex Pathways in Individuals With Migraine and Vestibular Migraine
- Scoring System Assessing Risks of Growth in Sporadic Vestibular Schwannoma
- Differential cortical activation patterns: pioneering sub-classification of tinnitus with and without hyperacusis by combining audiometry, gamma oscillations, and hemodynamics
- Vestibular Rehabilitation of the Persons affected by Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) by Physical Therapy and Repositioning Maneuvers
- How do patients with chronic dizziness experience a web-based home rehabilitation programme for customised vestibular therapy ('WeBaVeR')? A qualitative study
- Decrease in head sway as a measure of sensory integration following vestibular rehabilitation: A randomized controlled trial
- Different Vestibular Rehabilitation Modalities in Unilateral Vestibular Hypofunction: A Prospective Study
- Measuring the Angular Accuracy of a Clinician-Performed Epley Maneuver Used to Treat Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo
Ototoxicité vestibulaire
- The Effects of Metformin on Cisplatin-Induced Ototoxicity in Diabetic Patients
- Apoptosis, autophagy, ferroptosis, and pyroptosis in cisplatin-induced ototoxicity and protective agents
- Hearing loss during chemotherapy: prevalence, mechanisms, and protection
- Prevalence of platinum-induced ototoxicity among patients suffering from hematological malignancies - a systematic review
- Cisplatin vestibulotoxicity: a current review
Formation continue
- The future of hearing technology
- This is the hearing test all Quebec newborns will soon undergo
- Introducing Defy Dementia – The podcast for anyone with a brain, by Baycrest
- SAC | OAC retweeted: Episode 11 of the @SAC_OAC Shining Lights: School S-LP Podcast. In this episode, I talk to Helen Mackay @WRDSB_SLPs_CDAs about her work supporting children on alternative curriculums.
- Join Dr. @larchiba6 for Episode 11 as she speaks with Helen McKay, who talks about her 35 years of experience as S-LP, 18 of those years with @wrdsb Click the link below to listen or find it on @Spotify @ApplePodcasts and like the episode and subscribe! 👇…
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