The SAIH’s training curriculum focuses on cultural and structural changes in the organizations and the system that will receive AI, as well as on the teaching of methods, concepts, and tools for using AI. It will offer two types of learning pathways: continuing education, with a series of stimulating and tailored activities; and a diploma option using state-of-the-art dynamic teaching methods offered by our academic partners.
AI Lunch-Hour Lessons (Moments de L’intelligence Artificielle le Midi – MIAM), from noon to 1:00 p.m.
MIAMs, A Flexible Learning Option
Would you like to join the movement and learn more about AI in a flexible way? MIAMs (AI lunch-hour lessons) are designed to fit easily into your daily activities, during the lunch hour. You can attend these short sessions: a) in person; b) remotely in real time; or c) offline via a Facebook Live recording. A continuing education program is currently being set up.
2019-2020 Programming To Come! – Nice Surprises Are Waiting For You.
These events are accredited training activities under Section 1 of the Maintenance of Certification Program of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada and SOFEDUC.
All Of The AI Lunch-Hour Lessons (MIAM) (MIAM)
AI and The Transformation of Professions In The Health Sector
- Dr Luigi Lepanto, Director of Professional Services, DAMU, CHUM
Closing address of the AI Lunch-Hour Lessons Season:
- Dr Fabrice Brunet, President and CEO, CHUM
Yoshua Bengio – Beyond AI
Animated by:
- Carole Jabet, Assistant Director of CRCHUM
AUDACE: Rebuild Your Face, Your Identity Through Digital
- Professor Jacques de Guise, CRCHUM
- Dre Marie-Pascal Pomey, CRCHUM
- Dr Mathieu Schmittbuhl, CRCHUM
SAIH To Meet Ubisoft
- Yves Jacquier, Executive Director
Data bank, CITADEL Project
- Dr Michaël Chassé
5G: The Next Revolution in Connected Health
- Luc Sirois, General Manager, Prompt et co-founder of Hacking Health
Concrete Application of AI in Healthcare
- Alexandre Le Bouthillier, cofounder of Imagia
Connected devices in the age of AI: What contributions and challenges for tomorrow’s health system?
- Dre Marie-Pascale Pomey, CRCHUM
- Me Annie Gauthier, BCF
- Me Éric-Alain Laville, CHUM
- Marie-Claude Marchand, Optina Diagnostics inc.
First AI Lunch-Hour Lessons!
- Johan Saba, Seed AI
- François-Xavier Devailly, Seed AI