What is the school of artificial intelligence in healthcare?
This is the first school of artificial intelligence in the world, born in a francophone environment, to focus on the development of human capabilities and real-world implementation of AI.
A School For Everyone
The School of Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare is intended for all practitioners working in or for the healthcare field, including partners or companies working directly or indirectly for the well-being of patients (environment, food, urban planning, economy, etc.). The SAIH is located in the Learning Centre of the Academy of the Centre hospitalier de l’Université de Montréal, in the heart of downtown Montreal.
The SAIH is a global pioneer, focused on the development of human capacities in AI and on its real-world implementation. The school enables its community to develop and apply AI to healthcare; to measure its impacts on patients, care teams, and the health system; and to expand knowledge and skills internationally.
The programming, adapted to the different clienteles and their varying levels of AI expertise, has been deployed progressively since December 2018. Ultimately, the school will offer personalized, agile, and proactive services aimed at helping learners demystify AI and integrate it into their practices.
The program is designed to respond specifically to the needs of the following clienteles:
- Patients and the general public;
- Teams providing healthcare and services;
- Students and resident physicians;
- Physicians;
- Researchers;
- Managers and professionals;
- Health industry partners;
- Industries;
Agile and proactive, the SAIH is distinctive in its evolutionary and applied approach. It puts the human being at the centre of transformation to enhance the capacity to humanize health.
School Overview
- Continuing education programs
- For degree-seeking students
- Leading experts from the following fields: health, social sciences, creativity and innovation, management, technology, and other sectors
- Who are passionate about the applications of AI in health
- Local and international
- Physical and virtual locations
- Research Chairs (connected devices, clinical reasoning)
- Information monitoring
- Scientific articles
- Podcasts
- Videos
- Networking with CHUM teams and our partners
- Support and accompaniment
- Mobility and career development
- Preparing for new emerging roles and talents
- Training leaders for careers in different job sectors
Why a school of artificial intelligence applied to health?
- To take ownership of artificial intelligence (AI) and support health actors
- To integrate AI in a humane, ethical and responsible way
- To ensure AI benefits for patients and the population
- To set the pace in the evolution of tomorrow’s health systems
AI in service to health
Artificial intelligence offers unprecedented opportunities in the field of health, whether through massive data analysis to better understand, detect, and treat diseases, or through robotics. A breakthrough innovation, AI will rapidly and profoundly transform care, teaching, research, and health systems management. Decision support and the introduction of new pedagogical concepts will also revolutionize professionals’ practices, healthcare provision, training, and distribution of tasks.
The stakes involved in implementing AI in this field are considerable and require a structured approach to ensure it can be done successfully and bring real value to health teams and the public.
Montreal is becoming a centre of expertise in AI, and its initiatives inspire and attract experts from all over the world in this field. Recently, the launch on November 3, 2017, of the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence at the Forum on the Socially Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence signalled the desire to stimulate public debate and to propose a progressive and inclusive direction for AI development.
The CHUM followed close behind, becoming a signatory to the Montreal Declaration for a Responsible Development of Artificial Intelligence.
AI has already begun to revolutionize medicine. Today it is used not only to measure cerebral volume to detect Alzheimer’s disease, but also to assess heart function, detect pulmonary nodules, and predict cancers. It will redefine and enhance the role of medical imaging.